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Haiku North American Conference

Writer: Penny HarterPenny Harter

Update on Haiku North America conference: I’ve recently learned that Snapshot Press won’t be attending the conference after all, so that reading is canceled. However, I’ll be reading my “train” haiku in a reading sponsored by Richard Schnell, and participating in the reading for The Unswept Path.  You can check the updated events schedule at the Haiku North America site, below.

August 5th through 9th, I’ll be attending the biennial Haiku North America conference in Ottawa, Canada. It’s the first of these conferences in many years that I’ll be going to without Bill. We often not only attended them but also gave various presentations, both together and separately. At this one, I will be doing at least one reading of my haiku for Snapshot Press, a publisher in England who is bringing out a number of anthologies of major haiku poets. Bill and I are both represented, so I may be reading his poems as well. I know it will be a bittersweet time, but I look forward to going because I have many friends in the North American haiku community.

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